Overall satisfaction with your lead provider. This was broken down into 4 main categories

Price was the least sensitive variable. Most of us are willing to pay an additional cost for a lead that we know is a valid lead. Some indicated they would be willing to spend as much as $10.00 more per lead. Of those respondents who provided us with narrative feedback, the #1 issue addressed was the return policy. At times return policies were not up-held or worse the solution was simply replacement leads of the same poor quality
Over the past several months WebMktgSolutions.com has taken a very pro-active approach in identifying what the internet lead industry needs to do to earn your business. We have spoken and corresponded with brokers, mortgage companies and our own clients throughout the U.S. They have shared with us their frustrations, success stories and overall thoughts on improving the relationship between the lead buyer and seller. Our focus here is to assist you in making sound decisions on what companies to use and how to develop that relationship along the way
There are several blogs out there that provide great feedback on lead companies so you don’t make the same mistakes. A few are http://www.mortgagefraudblog.com/ http://www.mortgageleadsguide.com/Mortgage_Leads_Reviews.asp. For the complete results of the Mortgage Lead Report click on 2006 Mortgage Lead Industry Review
Submitted by Greg Kazmierczak