Sharon Hassler gives some great incite with her top 10 list of Steps to Finding the Best Mortgage Lead Companies. If you would like to read the entire article you can visit her site at
1. Does the mortgage leads company seem reputable?
2. Where do the leads come from?
3. How many times do they sell or recycle the same lead?
4. How about exclusive mortgage leads?
5. Can you cherry pick or filter your mortgage leads?
6. Is there a guarantee?
7. How much will each mortgage lead cost?
8. What exactly is your financial commitment?
9. Set aside a block of time to research companies.
10. Where do you find mortgage leads companies?
Get the facts about Internet Mortgage Leads and Lead Generation Companies before you write that check! This Forum serves the interest of all who purchase internet leads. Mortgage Lead Forum is an outlet that enables intelligent business decisions based on others' experiences. Mortgage leads, refinancing leads, internet leads, debt consolidation leads.