Monday, October 03, 2005

How To Generate Your Own Leads

The fastest and most effective way to start getting quality traffic to your website is by using Pay Per Click Ads. Two of the most popular PPC (Pay Per Click) search engines are Google Ad words, which are featured on many websites including the monster of all search engine GOOGLE and Overture, which shows your listings on sites like Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, and more! PPC advertising offers you the best bang for your buck.

Here is how it works: You bid on specific keywords or key-phrases to have your ad come up when people search for that specific keyword. Take for example, when a person searches for "Refinance." If the person sees your ad and is interested they click on it and you simply pay your bid amount. You may bid $1.00 to get listed at the top of the search # result, but your competitor could then bid $1.05 and outbid and move ahead of you. Bids for the top positions vary from pennies to a few dollars, but most PPC search engines have keyword suggestion tools to help you find keywords and their search results to suit your budget. You may bid on as many keywords as your budget can handle. A general rule of thumb would be to aim for one of the top two positions for keywords with low bid searches and aim for top five for keywords with higher volume searches. You must be careful, though, to bid within your means! PPC’s are all about conversion rates. For example, if you bid $2.00 per click and get 10 clicks and one mortgage lead from those 10 clicks, this means you paid $20.00 for that lead and have a 10% conversion.

Be sure that if you are licensed in only certain states that you bid on state specific keywords, for example "Florida Home Loans" instead of "Home Loans." If not you will get tons of clicks for leads you cannot use.Finally, your ad should follow certain guidelines. You want to describe your product or service in your ad as precisely as possible. Remember, you are not looking for “random visitors” because you are paying for their click whether they become a lead/sale or not! Try to include keywords in the subject that not only bring in good prospects for you but also thwart "curiosity seekers" from clicking on your PPC ad.

You may reproduce or reprint this article if you include the following. This article is provided by Mortgage Industry News and Marketing Portal.

Submitted by Staff Writer


Anonymous said...

I have tried google and it is better than the other pay per clicks we are a regional broker and we can limit our listing on google so they just pop up in the states we want them to. The other pay per clicks can get expensive for us. I also sent you a e-mail with some questions

Anonymous said...

Are there any other sites that do what google and overture does?

Awaiting you reply

Anonymous said...

You can see most of the large pay per click engines at

Anonymous said...

We have tried some lead gen at our shop last quarter and didn't pan out. The pay click's are way too high so we are trying some local banner advertising. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to get some additional visitors to our site

Belinda Carmichael
800-478-2014 (ext 454)

Anonymous said...

try and share a sale. These are the two I use but don't count on consistant volume you still need to do what you are currently doing to feed the l/o's

bob Tobian