Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Warm transfers are really taking a front step in place of paper leads. The quality can be determined much quicker than paper leads and feedback from loan officers is almost instantaneous. This allows less spoilage on your marketing dollars. Recently Los Angeles-based Low.com, announced that is launched a new warm transfer program. You can read the full story here.
You can read the full story here.

A couple of companies have asked me if there is any success with trigger leads. well from my experiences they require much work and effort. An energetic loan officer will have some success but I would not look to trigger leads for a solution to your lead supply. Also very recently local governments have taken a very hard stance on them. Here is an article I would suggest you read before you consider trigger leads.
Story Here.


Hendy said...

Hi Greg,

You've nice articles here, very thoughtful and accurate.

I wish you warm good luck...

Greg Kazmierczak said...

Hendy I did get your e-mail. Look for my information at the alternative e-mail address you send me
